Handling Fear & Anxiety
Never Cut Off From Good
“A client burst into tears on the phone.” I heard a banker describe this recently and wondered how much this might be happening these days with current economic conditions rough for so many. It was touching to hear how the banker responded. He assured the client financial assistance was available, and then offered to keep them in his prayers, which the client gratefully welcomed.
Read the full article: https://sentinel.christianscience.com/web-originals/2021/never-cut-off-from-good
A Permanent Healing of Panic Attacks
During my sophomore year of high school, I began to experience debilitating panic attacks that would sometimes be accompanied by lightheadedness and nausea. I hadn’t ever had problems with anxiety before, but I was dealing with a lot of school-related stress, as well as some difficult personal issues. The panic attacks were scary and confusing, especially since I’d never faced anything like this before.
Read the full article: https://sentinel.christianscience.com/issues/2020/12/122-52/a-permanent-healing-of-panic-attacks
Healing of Fear After Home Invasion
A few years ago, I was robbed in my family’s house in London, England. The burglars came into the house at night whilst I was asleep and alone in the house. They stole my laptop and other items, including my iPod, jacket, and laptop bag. I was deeply grateful that they did not come upstairs to my room to hurt me.
Read the full article: https://sentinel.christianscience.com/issues/2018/11/120-48/healing-of-fear-after-home-invasion